Robbie Conal and Besant Hill School Students
"Standardized Stupidification" Exhibition
An excerpt from our upcoming documentary film:

"Standardized Stupidification" is a commentary on standardized testing and its implications in forcing the hands of educators toward a standardized curriculum, a force that can eclipse diversity, imagination and creativity. Students are lost to themselves in the struggle to fit into a cultural standard. They rebel to have their voice heard above the masses. The exhibition celebrates the arts and its expression of the "madness" of our world as we hand it over to our children.

Student Artists:
Grace Garlough, Griffin Davis, Rick Meredith, Connor Jones, Indigo Partch, and Yue Yu.

The "Standardized Stupidification" exhibition will be on display from May 16 - May 30, 2009

Click to View Video Excerpt I