Our Physical Address:
8585 Ojai-Santa Paula Rd. (in Upper Ojai)
Ojai, CA 93023
Our Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 608
Ojai, CA 93024
Please note:
Do not send mail or parcels to our physical address, as they may not be delivered.
Thank you.
Tel (805) 646-3381 | Fax (805) 646-0560
Email BeatriceWoodCenter@gmail.com
Directions from Ojai Village:
- East on Hwy 150. Three miles to (landmark) Boccalis restaurant.
- Right fork up Dennison Grade, past picnic area, small bridge.
- Prepare for left turn one mile beyond bridge. (Watch for fast oncoming traffic)
- (landmark) On left, walnut trees - Stele stone sign that reads: BESANT HILL SCHOOL
- Left onto Happy Valley Road. Take first left fork up hill to: “Beatrice Wood Center for the Arts.”
- Follow signs to parking area.

Santa Paula Peak from Beatrice Wood Studio
Photo by William Gray Harris
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