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I Think Not
Fred Yokel
Private Eye Woody
Fred Yokel |
What Was That?
Fred Yokel |
Jeff Margolin and Fred Yokel have been working in ceramics for decades, as an occupation and passion. While their work and processes differ, both utilize carving techniques to produce highly individualistic work. In this workshop, participants will be exploring a variety of approaches, clays, and tools of the trade. There will be plenty of time to work on individual projects, as workshop participants are encouraged to bring leather hard pieces suitable for carving and design concepts to work on - yet there will be clay forms prepared and plenty of designs for carving as well.

Ceiling Pattern
Jeff Margolin
Jeff Margolin |
Dancing Hands Arch
Jeff Margolin |
Participants will explore historical and cultural aspects of carving and work on generating their own designs and how those designs can be realized in clay. Bring your sketchbooks, and be prepared to work long hours - carving takes a lot of time! Margolin and Yokel will also be demonstrating burnishing and discussing tools, prep, and techniques.
No prior experience is necessary.
Cost $250. per person ($200. for members)
Includes all materials and a light vegetarian lunch.
Reserve your space now!
Workshop Registration - $250.00: |
Member Workshop Registration - $200.00: |
The Beatrice Wood Center for the Arts
Tel: 805-646-3381 / Email us at
Our workshops and classes all take place at the Beatrice Wood Center for the Arts (driving directions).
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