Previous Demonstration

Ventura County Handweavers and Spinners Guild will gather at the studio to warp the Studio's 46-inch floor loom.
The loom will be warped with cottons, rayon and silks
for a summer shawl in Beatrice's favorite Ojai sunrise and sunset colors.
Guild hand spinners will be spinning outside on the patio as members take
turns with the warping task. Hand weavers will share other portable
weaving techniques.

Ventura County Handweavers and Spinners Guild is an old guild, celebrating its 50 year anniversary in 2020.
Please visit the website for meeting times and events.
The guild welcomes visitors and county
newcomers looking for fellow fiber enthusiast.
For additional information, please contact:
The Beatrice Wood Center for the Arts
Tel: 805-646-3381 or email us at
Our workshops and classes all take place at the Beatrice Wood Center for the Arts (driving directions).
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Please call 805-646-3381 or email for more information on our exhibitions, workshops, and performances. |