Greetings from Happy Valley!
The holidays are upon us and the year is drawing to a close, offering a wonderful opportunity to look back and reflect. We presented exhibitions of work by artists from our community and across the country, performances featuring singer/songwriters, poets, dancers and musicians from India, as well as workshops allowing individuals to come and work in Beatrice Wood's studio and expand their experience of the arts. Aside from the enjoyment and satisfaction I derive from sharing these experiences with others, I love sharing the Center itself, including Beatrice Wood's home and studio and the beauty of Happy Valley. I would like to thank everyone who has visited and shared in these experiences, and invite those who haven't visited to come and experience the Beatrice Wood Center for the Arts.
ACGA Exhibition
November 13, 2010 - January 2, 2011

Our last exhibition of the year in the Beato Gallery will feature works by selected members of the Association of Clay and Glass Artists of California (ACGA), an organization dedicated to establishing and maintaining high standards of craftsmanship and design in clay and glass.

The ACGA sponsors and promotes programs that benefit their members and the community, while also working with the Clay and Glass Arts Foundation, Craft Emergency Relief Fund, and Potters for Peace.
The exhibition will be presented November 13, 2010 - January 2, 2011, and will include smaller works which would make unique gifts for the holiday season. It is our way of assisting you in making your friends and relatives happy, and the world a more beautiful place, while supporting the arts.

There will be an Opening Reception and Holiday Party at the Center on Saturday, November 13th, from 1 - 4 pm. I hope that you can attend to view these wonderful works of art, enjoy refreshments, and spend some time in Happy Valley.
Luis Bermudez: Myth, Place & Identity
November 20, 2010 – January 16, 2011
We will be presenting Luis Bermudez: Myth, Place & Identity in the Logan Gallery November 20 – January 16th. There will be a Reception for the Artist on Saturday, December 4th, from 1 – 4 pm.
Luis Bermudez is known for large-scale abstract architectonic ceramic sculptures that explore and communicate elemental phenomena and forces as metaphors for life. He uses the medium of ceramics for its innate earthly qualities, which resonate with his own optimism in communicating the power of the natural world in relation to the human experience. For this exhibition he makes reference to sacred or special places, the symbolic power of the serpent, and issues of identity.
“I come to my work, impelled to give tangible presence to the episodes in my life of peculiar intensity -- the ones that announce their transcendence, and touch the common core of human experience,” Bermudez says. “In this exhibition I have created several new works that reflect recent travels, as well as time spent in the presence of Topa Topa, which was sacred to the Chumash.” |
Please put these dates on your calendar:
Opening Reception for the Association of Clay and Glass Artists of California
and Holiday Party at the Center
Saturday, November 13, 2010
1 – 4 pm
Reception for Luis Bermudez in conjunction with
Luis Bermudez: Myth, Place & Identity
Saturday, December 4, 2010
1 – 4 pm
Thanks so much for your continued interest in and support of the Beatrice Wood Center for the Arts.
Hope to see you soon!